Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Project Evaluation - Assignment 6

Even when I heard you say that most people in your last 6X1 class said they liked the found footage the best, I didn’t really think there was any way it would be my favorite. The idea of shifting through hours of footage and trying to make unconventional connections with them seemed like it was going to be a shot in the dark, and too difficult to do. Now that it’s over and done with, however, I have to admit that I think it was my favorite too. I liked the freedom, (even if it did drive me a little crazy at time, I think this is a good comparison to the comfort you get from the rigid guidelines of assign. 5).
The hardest thing for me was picking a topic. With so many options I wanted to make sure I got the best one for me and gave myself plenty of time to take care of it. Truth be told, I don’t know that the one I chose was the best, but I really enjoyed it so for all I know it was. It’s something that I’ve thought about casually when watching televangelists so I think that’s what got me into it.
Editing was difficult. I had some minor problems in Bear Hall lab but they were eventually overcome and the end product was better than I had at one point anticipated. There were some unexpected happy accidents in there, like when the kid for the Goonies’ mouth matched up with the audio of another preacher that I found. That is what I like about editing. Seeing stuff come together in expected and unexpected ways always gives me a good feeling inside. I even like that it ended up being one and a half minutes. I think had it been any shorter or longer it wouldn’t have felt right. I don’t know though, that may just be me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It's still 6"?...I don't really get it...but I like the number 6. You can split it and have 3's and there are 6 pikes on the David star, which is composed of 2 equilateral triangles.

It's a good number to me, exept for 666.